Oxford YFC Rally is a sizzling start to 2022’s show season.

Members of County Insurance Services Out in the Field Team, including Fenella Cook, Tish Phillips, Amy Cox and Tim Sydenham attended the Oxfordshire Young Farmers County Show & Rally on Saturday May 28th.

On the day members of several of the region’s Young Farmers Clubs competed in a series of games and challenges to show who is the best local group. The county’s residents also had the opportunity to see how agriculture makes a different to the local economy.

County’s shows coordinator, Tish Phillips, said: “I It was a great first show for our season and this year we also had the chance to raise funds for our chosen charity Daybreak. Many stand visitors were supportive of this cause and we hope to continue raising funds for them throughout the year.

She added: “We’re really looking forward to seeing many more clients old and new, as well as their families, at our other shows throughout 2022.”