Another Cert CII for County Insurance Services!

County are delighted to announce that Amy Cox, Farm & Equine department account handler, has recently passed her final module and successfully completed her Certificate in Insurance (Cert CII) from the Chartered Insurance Institute.

Amy started studying towards her Cert CII in July 2022 and has worked hard to obtain the industry recognised award.

On her achievement, Amy said: “I feel really accomplished, and relieved, to have received this award! Studying towards the certificate has given me more confidence and helped back up the experience I’ve gained whilst working at County”.

Amy is a valued, long-standing member of our Farm & Equine team and will be known to many of our rural clients for providing insurance solutions. She joined County in January 2017, bringing a wealth of personal and professional experience in farming & business matters, being an integral part of her family working farm and having a successful previous career at a major nationwide bank in their agricultural division. County have also looked after her family farm insurance requirements for many years.

Every colleague at County is encouraged and supported through their studies towards CII qualifications and this forms an important part of County’s Diversity, Equality & Inclusion culture.